Vandana Sr. Sec. School


Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly”

With this belief, a set of guidelines in the form of rules and regulations are framed for the students, which are followed by them religiously and adopted as their way of life.



  1. To arrive in class on time and no student will leave school or a class without permission of teacher.
  2. To work to the best of their abilities at all times by all means.
  3. To come to the school each day properly dress with the properly set bags as per their time table.
  4. To show respectful and dignified behavior to the senior students, staff and visitors.
  5. To move quietly and orderly in any part of school.
  6. Students will attend all classes and never leave the school without gate pass or written permission and ensure all missed work to be done at their own.
  7. Students need not to tolerate violence or bullying but must speak to the class teacher in case of such happening.
  8. To convey the communication of parents promptly to the concerned staff member.
  9. Use bicycle/ school transportation only to come in the school.
  10. To place lost and found articles at the school reception.
  11. To eat meals in the school in a proper manner during lunch break.


  1. Misbehavior towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
  2. Intentional disturbance of classes.
  3. Absence from classes without permission of the teacher/coordinator/Principal
  4. Pulling/ intimidation others.
  5. Eve- teasing/ misbehavior with girl students.
  6. Damaging/ disfiguring school property
  7. Indulging in physical violence in any matter.
  8. Disobeying lawful orders of the teachers/coordinator/Principal.
  9. Bringing unauthorized people/articles inside the school.
  10. Theft/pilferage of school/student/property.
  11. Any behavior unbecoming of a student.
  12. Buying eatables from vendors outside the school premises.
  13. Driving any vehicle inside the campus.
  14. Using personal vehicle like bike/ Scotty for coming to school.